July 30, 2024

Summertime Play List: Your Perfect Companion for Holiday Downtime

Blog, Working Mums


As the children break up for the summer, there is the hope of a bit of well-deserved downtime. 

Whether you’re lounging by the beach or enjoying your back garden, there’s nothing quite like immersing yourself in a good book or podcast to relax.

My ‘Leaning Tower of Pisa’ of books I’m waiting to read is crying out for my attention.

But depending on how busy the summer is with the children, sometimes, I get time to read……..and sometimes, I don’t.

But I do like to binge-listen to some thought-provoking podcasts. 

If you’re like me and looking for some great listening material for your summer break, you’re in luck. I’ve compiled a Summer Listening Podcast Playlist featuring some of my favourite past episodes from Wisdom For Working Mums. 

So, grab your headphones and get ready to be inspired.

1. Rushing Woman’s Syndrome

Never before have women been in such a hurry to do so many things and be there for so many people. In this episode, my guest is Dr Libby Weaver (PhD) who explains how a stressful, fast-paced lifestyle can harm all areas of our health as women.  And how we can empower ourselves with practical solutions to restore our health so we can stay productive, healthy and happy. If you’re feeling the stress of doing a million different things and wearing a million different hats, tune in and take notes!  I think Dr Libby is about to blow your mind! 

You can listen to the episode here.

2. The Sh*t I Do! How To Navigate the Invisible Load of Motherhood

Have you ever felt resentful towards your partner for all the mental and emotional load you carry as a working mum?   Or do you feel like the she-fault parent in your house – the default parent carrying the domestic load?  If you have, this episode is for you. My guest is Eve Rodsky, New York Times best-selling author of Fair Play, the game-changing approach to sharing the mental load, rebalancing your relationship and transforming your life.  It’s a real-world solution for sharing the domestic and emotional load at home.  You can listen to the episode here.

3. Guide to Stepping Up Without Burning Out

In this insightful episode, I’m joined by change maker Katy Murray.  We tackle the challenge of advancing your career without sacrificing your wellbeing. Learn practical strategies for stepping up at work in a sustainable way. This episode is essential for anyone looking to grow professionally without experiencing burnout. Listen here.

4. Reclaim Your Wellbeing

In this episode, I’m joined by global wellbeing expert Audrey McGibbon. We explore how to reclaim your wellbeing amidst the demands of work and life. Discover strategies to ensure you can thrive both personally and professionally. If you’re a working mum who identifies as a leader in the workplace, you’re going to love this episode – listen here.

So, whether you’re embarking on a summer road trip or enjoying some quiet time at home, this Summer Listening Podcast Playlist is designed to inspire, uplift, and empower you. 

Tune in, relax, and let these episodes from Wisdom For Working Mums accompany you this summer.

Happy Listening and Happy Summer!


P.S. Feel free to share this blog with your network or let me know your favourite episode from the playlist. 

P.P.S Don’t forget to subscribe over on Apple podcast or you can listen on Spotify,   Audible and most podcast platforms.


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