November 10, 2020
Have you ever felt resentful towards your partner for all the mental and emotional load you carry as a working mum? Or do you feel like the she-fault parent in your house? The default parent carrying the domestic load? If you have, then the latest episode of Wisdom For Working Mums is for you! My guest is Eve Rodsky, author of Fair Play, the game-changing approach to sharing the mental load, rebalancing your relationship and transforming your life. It’s a real world solution for sharing the domestic and emotional load at home. After experiencing the pain, frustration and exhaustion of being the she-fault parent in her own home, Eve has channeled her amazing experience in law, organisation management and family mediation into creating Fair Play. Reese Witherspoon describes Fair Play as a hands-on, real talk guide for navigating the hot-button-issues so many families struggle with. And 2020 has been the year that has highlighted even further the load that working mums carry During the pandemic the burden of housework, home learning and parenting has fallen unequally on mothers. It seems that the gender inequalities that might exist in our homes have got worse during COVID-19. So Eve’s message and her Fair Play approach are more important than ever. In this episode Eve shares:
You can find further information over on the podcast show page:
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