Have you ever felt like you need to lean out of your career to manage the juggle as a working mum? 

That you just can’t make the jigsaw puzzle work?  If you have, then this episode is for you!

Going back to work after having a baby can be tough.  For many women going back to work full time is financially, emotionally, logistically and sometimes physically impossible.   So many women end up leaving their jobs and even their careers because they can’t find a way to combine their work and motherhood in a sustainable way.

When my guests Hannah Hall-Turner and Rachel Maguire were colleagues at the same company and had their babies 6 days apart, they shared their dream to achieve work life balance with their new family commitments.  They didn’t want to leave their careers and qualifications they’d worked so hard for.  But they also didn’t want to miss out on the precious firsts with their babies.

So they decided to put a business case to their employer to job share.  They got it approved and it was a win/win/win.  It gave them the work life balance that they had hoped for and the business benefited from retaining their top talent.  As a result Hannah and Rachel felt a duty to shout about the benefits to help others.   So they created their Instagram page, The Job Share Pair. 

The Job Share Pair is an amazing resource of experience, best practice, useful practical tips and to educate and inspire others about the power of job sharing.  This passion project has now turned into their innovative and successful coaching and consulting business.

And Hannah and Rachel are joining us today to talk all things job share and I can’t wait to dive into this conversation.

​In this episode The Job Share Pair share

  • What job-sharing is
  • Why it should be normalised and how we can do that
  • The benefits of job sharing for the us as mothers but also our employers
  • The practicalities of job-sharing
  • Tips on how you can propose job sharing to your employer

You can access the show notes here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/62

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