One of the outcomes of the pandemic is that more of us are working remotely.

So many of my clients tell me that the opportunity to work remotely has gifted them much-needed flexibility as working mothers.

They’re saving time on less commuting, have reduced travel costs, and most have more work-life balance.  However, hybrid and remote working can impact career progression – particularly for women, due to proximity bias.

The so-called proximity bias is an unconscious tendency to give preferential treatment to those in our immediate vicinity.  

But the problem is that proximity bias is likely to affect women disproportionately.

Going on maternity leave
Taking a career breath
Working remotely

All increase the likelihood of us being penalised due to proximity bias.

So what can we do to overcome the risk of proximity bias impacting us?

Well, my latest guest is here to help. Lauren Currie OBE is the Founder of UPFRONT, an organisation on a mission to change confidence, visibility, and power for 1 million women and non-binary people. 

You can listen to the episode here: or via itunesstitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps.

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