It would be easy to just walk away from this year and close the door on it without looking back, hoping that I never have another year like this again.
But as difficult as it has been, there have been some deeply profound and important lessons that I want to take from this year. And my guess is that it’s the same for you too.
If I walked away without reflecting on them I’d lose the goodness in those lessons, and I didn’t want to do that.
So come join me in my last podcast of 2021 as I share my life lessons. You can listen to the episode here: or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps.
I hope that they help you reflect on your year too. So we can carry what we need to into 2022 and leave behind what we need to as well.
In this episode I share:
How this year has made me rethink resilience How I’m focussing on doing less but better My experience in creating space for just me How I’m moving from ‘powerful effort’ to ‘effortless power’ in 2022 and beyond I hope you enjoy listening to this episode and it provides you with some useful insights into your own life lessons for 2022.
Wishing you hope, health and happiness for the year ahead. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head as you listen? My mission is to support as many working mums on their journey as possible, and so I’d be so grateful if you supported them by offering this free podcast. I hope it’s been helpful to you, and if so, I hope you pass that on.
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