There’s a question I get asked over and over again by working mums.

The question is asked just as their child is about to start school and, as parents, we start to realise…

“How the hell do I navigate the school holidays with work?”

This year marks ten years of juggling work and school summer holidays as a mum.

And I’ve been reflecting on that rollercoaster ride – it’s been filled with challenges, laughter, tears and plenty of valuable life lessons.

I thought I’d share with you the ten most profound lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Because as the saying goes, our children can be our greatest teachers if we are humble enough to receive their lessons.

I would love to hear what your lessons have been navigating the summer holidays as a working mother.

I’m all about making your life easier as a working mum, so here are three resources I’ve created to make your summers that bit easier:

School holiday planner

Ultimate holiday packing list

Back-to-School Checklist

Read the transcript here

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