Are you an accidental manager?  

Whether you formally hold the title of a people manager, we’re all managing relationships with other people in our lives.  

But how much training have you been given to do this effectively?  And how much of that training is relevant for our modern and ever-changing lives?

In this episode I’m exploring The Missing Superpower that Changes Everything and Will Transform Your Impact as a Manager and Leader with my guest Laura Ashley-Timms.

Laura is one of the UK’s top Executive Coaches, co-founder and COO of Notion, a performance improvement consultancy.  She’s here to share a superpower that has the potential to change everything.  These insights come from the book that she’s recently co-authored:

Here are just a few reasons you might want to listen to what Laura has got to say:

* You want to supercharge your career

* You want to improve your relationships at work and home

* You want to stop firefighting, reduce stress and improve your wellbeing

I can’t wait for you to listen to Laura and share her work with you.

You can listen to the episode here: or via itunesstitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps.

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