Here at Wisdom For Working Mums you obviously hear me talk a lot about mothers.

But a huge part of our experience is influenced by gender and societal roles.  The research shows that if we can achieve more equal parenting then the gender pay gap and the motherhood penalty reduce significantly.

To celebrate Father’s Day I wanted to give a voice to fatherhood.  And how those gender roles influence a dad’s experience.

And my guest today has powerful insights to share. Michael Ray is an international motivational speaker who addresses the gender and societal roles that are no longer applicable and the negative impact on organisational, business and personal outcomes. He speaks straight from the heart and his ability to connect, resonate and inspire people is obvious. 

You can listen to the episode here: or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps.

Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head as you listen? My mission is to support as many working mums on their journey as possible, and so I’d be so grateful if you supported them by offering this free podcast. I hope it’s been helpful to you, and if so, I hope you pass that on.

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